Lenise Krebs
Last week as I was preparing for my grade 4 and 5 class mid-week activity. I wanted to reinforce a theme that I had been teaching for the past month with these young ladies…. After much thought, I went to Michael’s Craft store (my favourite) and picked up nine plain clay pots.

2 Corinthians 4:7-18 (The Message) states: “If you only look at us, you might well miss the brightness. We carry this precious Message around in the unadorned clay pots of our ordinary lives.”

I placed each pot in place and had the girls sit down… then began to explain to the girls that we are precious and they have been uniquely made, shaped, moulded, and designed by a Loving God!
We all know that clay pots are not much to look at! Unless we do something with this plain pot it will be just that.
I then explained that God wants to fill our lives with beauty, colour, talent, creativity, and all things that are lovely.

Psalm 139:14 …” I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.”

To illustrate this… I gave the girls paper napkins decorated, designed, filled with colour and flowers…they then mixed ‘modge podge’ and soaked the napkins in glue and began to apply colour and beauty to their plain clay pots. It was heart warming to see these girls put so much love and care into their plain clay pots…..carefully planning, positioning, shaping the flowers and pressing out any wrinkles. Making sure everything was in its perfect place!
It reminded me of how we have been designed and shaped by our loving God, and how He works daily on our lives reshaping, replenishing, and reviving. How so deeply God cares about each of us… even the smallest details of our lives……it was a beautiful moment. I reminded the girls that as each one of their pots are different and unique so they as young women of God….each with a special life to grow, cultivate, nurture, and enjoy!

Maybe you have been feeling a little plain, unloved, or just simply ordinary.... if so just remember that you are precious and the master potter is waiting to refill your life with beauty, colour, and spectacular design!!! Now sitting on the table.... are nine colourful and beautifully designed clay pots created by my grade 5 class!

Lenise Krebs
Throughout the scriptures we often hear of ‘God’s Blessings’. When God created the earth he blessed it by saying, ”Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters and the seas, and let the birds multiply on earth.” (Genesis 1:22)

After God created man and woman in his image, He blessed them by saying, ”Be fruitful and multiply: fill the earth, and subdue it; have dominion over the fish in the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves the earth.” (Genesis 1:28)

God also blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because He rested on this day. (Genesis 2:3)

With each of God’s blessings there was always a special anointing, a release of God’s supernatural power.

We read of God’s blessings in many situations throughout the scriptures. Abraham was the first person on earth to receive God’s blessing. God made a covenant with man, which contains seven promises.

“I will make you a great nation; I will bless you; I will make your name great; you shall be a blessing; I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who curse you; and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:2-4)

As believers and recipients of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, we become God’s children and Abraham’s seed. I believe that as Abraham passed on his blessing to his sons we can pass on blessings to our children.

God has provided a rich inheritance for our children. He wants them to live healthy productive lives, He has given us all things that pertain to life, physical, spiritual and material. Also, He has met every need that us as families need to have a truly good life. Society says that children are a product of their environment, meaning that we can provide our kids with a positive or negative influence. What are we teaching our children? The most important thing that us as parents can do is to teach them to bring glory to God in all that they say and do!

Jesus himself provides the best example of how to bless our children. We read in the book of Mark of how parents brought their children to Jesus just for Him to touch them. He “took them up in his arms, put His hand upon them, and blessed them.” (Mark 10:13-16)

Blessing our children should be a daily prayer in our homes, before our kids go off to school, pray for them, and bless with God’s mercy and grace, a gentle touch and a soft word for them to start their day.

“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord turn His countenance upon you and give you Peace.”

You have been chosen to be His own possession. He is God, the one who has created you with a loving hand and has a plan for you life and the lives of your children!

Lenise Krebs
Feeling Unravelled???
My youngest daughter Aliyah is so creative! She loves to play the piano, organize her room, her school supplies, as well as make beautiful things with her hands. Just recently she joined her schools knitting club......total cuteness! We went to Micheals craft store and purchased 2 purple knitting sticks, purple wool, (Bieber's favorite colour) and ordered a special 'How to knit book'! After a few weeks of seeing her knitting ... I really didn't see any results... I began to see her frustration and asked her what has she accomplished? In a quiet and discouraged voice she replied, 'nothing', and began to cry. My heart was so sad for her and I just wanted to do the mother thing and knit a few rows for her. I realized that this was not the answer and she must begin to learn a lesson from this experience. As we talked about her frustrations she began to explain to me how she would mess up, miss a stitch and that would make a hole. so she just thought it was better to unravel her work and begin again. Time afer time she did this and became very discouraged. I have been blessed with an amazing daughter and am the mother of a perfectionist... and sometimes imperfection is a hard thing to deal with.
I explained to her that it is important to continue with what she started and learn from her mistakes...each row is a new chance to make it right. I explained that unless you can look back and be reminded of where you began you will never realize how far you have come. If she continues to unravel every time she misses a stich or a mistake is made, she will never create a design....never move forward. God has a specific design for your life and he will make it perfect in His time. Just press on, learn from your mistakes, and don't fuss over missed stiches or imperfections. it is important to use those lessons as starting points for a better you and take life one day at a time....Fully trusting in a Loving God!

Lenise Krebs
Life Lessons....I have been thinking of this alot lately.
A few weeks before Christmas I had the opportunity to visit with an old friend. As we ventured from store to store looking for the perfect gift for our families I had a revelation of what is truly important.
We continued with our plans and then found ourselves looking for the perfect hat to cover her beautiful hairless head. We picked out several styles and colours with matching scarves and mitts and finally decided on the colour red! It was peerfect! We finished our day with a sweet cup of timmies coffee and reflection of old times. I realized that night that life is something that is never to be taken for granted. We are to live each day as if it would be our last....take time to enjoy those sweet moments....never allow life to keep you away from precious moments with family and friends. Take time....choose the perfect colour....and savour the sweetness of a friends love!