Lenise Krebs
Feeling Unravelled???
My youngest daughter Aliyah is so creative! She loves to play the piano, organize her room, her school supplies, as well as make beautiful things with her hands. Just recently she joined her schools knitting club......total cuteness! We went to Micheals craft store and purchased 2 purple knitting sticks, purple wool, (Bieber's favorite colour) and ordered a special 'How to knit book'! After a few weeks of seeing her knitting ... I really didn't see any results... I began to see her frustration and asked her what has she accomplished? In a quiet and discouraged voice she replied, 'nothing', and began to cry. My heart was so sad for her and I just wanted to do the mother thing and knit a few rows for her. I realized that this was not the answer and she must begin to learn a lesson from this experience. As we talked about her frustrations she began to explain to me how she would mess up, miss a stitch and that would make a hole. so she just thought it was better to unravel her work and begin again. Time afer time she did this and became very discouraged. I have been blessed with an amazing daughter and am the mother of a perfectionist... and sometimes imperfection is a hard thing to deal with.
I explained to her that it is important to continue with what she started and learn from her mistakes...each row is a new chance to make it right. I explained that unless you can look back and be reminded of where you began you will never realize how far you have come. If she continues to unravel every time she misses a stich or a mistake is made, she will never create a design....never move forward. God has a specific design for your life and he will make it perfect in His time. Just press on, learn from your mistakes, and don't fuss over missed stiches or imperfections. it is important to use those lessons as starting points for a better you and take life one day at a time....Fully trusting in a Loving God!

2 Responses
  1. So beautifully said. I love that your story has a good "take away factor." Life is that way, we can learn so many spiritual lessons from the small things in life.