Lenise Krebs

Let me encourage you today....

No matter what the storm of your life is today. God is in control!

I remember looking off this dock a year ago....as the minutes passed by....my anxieties increased.

Are they safe??? Did something tragic happen???

How was I to know....

My husband and Son went on a fishing trip and never came home as expected.... I sat here at the edge of this rusty dock and prayed, "Lord keep them safe." I had a flashlight shining it out across the empty waves....hoping the light would find them.....to know avail they were lost......

Feeling completely out of contol and helpless, I could only rely on the grace and favor of God! What could I do???

We were able to call for help and have a friend go and look for them.....my husband being a very wise man... was known to most people where his favorite posts were located.....this made things alot easier......

After a few hours....still sitting on the dock, tears in my eyes and white knuckles, I saw a little ray of light. Could it be??? A little closer.... closer..... closer....... finally I see a bright light and a little boat being towed by bigger boat....They were found.....

As I pointed my little flashlight toward the boat, the ray of light shone on the faces of my beloved....

You my friend are, 'Gods Beloved' and He is guiding you every day!
He Loves you..........He is sending rays of light in every direction towards you......Keep the faith! Let me remind you that you are safe in the hollow of his hand....There is nothing that can keep for the safety of a loving God............You are safe and secure....Just rely on Him!

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